Help Friends of Osprey
Donate to Friends of Osprey
We’d love you to join Friends of Osprey, or make a donation to support our work conserving these amazing birds. Funds raised go towards practical conservation projects such as the construction of raised nesting platforms, associated awareness raising signage and community education activities. See Our Projects for more information on the initiatives that we’re currently focused on.

Saving Ospreys

Building platforms

Tracking Ospreys
How to help the Ospreys of South Australia
There are many ways to help advance the survival of Osprey in South Australia. You could become a financial member of Friends of Osprey, receiving regular updates from our team about what we’re up to and joining us in our activities to raise community awareness about these birds and conservation efforts that are underway. You could make a more substantial, tax deductible donation, which would go directly towards a practical, on ground project such as the construction of a raised platform, GPS tracking of birds, or educational signage.
You could also let us know if you see an Osprey somewhere in South Australia. Our ability to help these birds is founded on a detailed evidence base of what the current status of the species is. South Australia is a vast state with 5,067 km of coastline. It is only through information provided by passionate and interested community members that we are able to build up a clear picture of what Ospreys are doing in South Australia and whether they need our help. Let us know if you see an Osprey in your community by emailing: If possible get a photograph of the bird (it doesn’t need to be perfect quality), but please do not get too close and please never approach a nesting site. Human disturbance of a nesting site will lead to almost certain failure and the likely abandonment of the nest.
While our focus is on South Australian Ospreys, we welcome members from all across the world. Ospreys are classed as having a ‘cosmopolitan range’ meaning that they are found right across the globe (they have a presence in every continent apart from Antarctica). This has resulted in Osprey lovers in every corner of the world and we’d love to share our South Australian story far and wide.
Donors & Supporters of Friends of Osprey
With thanks to our sponsors who are making significant financial contributions to help protect South Australia’s ospreys
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